8Ball & MJG ft. Young Dro – Bring It Back
Admittedly, this picture only has Young Dro in it, but we just couldn’t quite resist…

Jonathan Bogart: An extended metaphor about bowel movements brings it up to a six. And an extended metaphor about bowel movements limits it to a six.
Martin Skidmore: Another hip hop number with some hyphy sounds, the high spooky tones setting a strange mood and subdued pace for the veteran pair, who’ve been pretty consistently strong for 17 years now without ever hitting the big time. This is a very catchy number, so maybe there’s an outside chance of their changing that. I like it a lot.
Al Shipley: Ball & G can flow on just about anything, but it’s really a question of what modern production fits them best, and they usually have better judgement. Here, they just kinda sound like guests on a Dro cut.
John Seroff: It pains me to grade an 8Ball/MJG track this low, especially one where all the principles involved (Dro included) sound on point (MJG especially), but Nitti’s hook here is weak and the beat is flat. The law of the lowest common denominator therefore guarantees this is gonna be their biggest hit since “Stay High”, but as long as that sells a few more catalogue copies of Comin’ Out Hard, you won’t heahdishatahhatin’ TOO much.
Michaelangelo Matos: I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve heard by these guys–not much, I admit. This is no exception, from its mysterioso organ and expertly deployed sub-lows to a chorus that’s both relatable and silly.
Chuck Eddy: I actually like how it sounds when the DJ brings it back. Just don’t get why these guys sound so bored about it. Still, as ambience, this passes.