Monday, November 25th, 2013

Metronomy – I’m Aquarius

Maybe we can make it past Capricorn.


Alfred Soto: Distrust believers in the horoscope, miserabilism, a band that treats a female vocal as an oddity, and minor key synth pads serving a singer who believes in the horoscope and miserabilism.

Will Adams: A dull exercise in horoscope talk, “I’m Aquarius” lost favor as early as the entrance of that lifeless organ drone and lost even more when it gave up after the two-minute mark.

Daniel Montesinos-Donaghy: “I’m Aquarius” retains Metronomy’s ongoing arch lounge-music vibe, with emotional investment shrouded behind sly instrumental precision. Backing singers audibly attempt to suppress smiles. The stiffened swing of the drums are a mere glockenspiel away from recreating the island-vacation second side of The Nightfly. The chant of “I’m Aquarius!” aims for Kirk Douglas but knows it’s more Graham Chapman.

Brad Shoup: Is… is that my name? Pretty ineffective way to curry favor, but perhaps writing a Timmy Thomas knockoff that actually commits to a mood was too hard.

Anthony Easton: I don’t know what is better about this track: the hash pipe bubbling, the smooth soul chorus of “I’m Aquarius,” like it means anything at all, or “shoop doop doop ahhh” repeated endlessly towards the end. Like the kind of 45 you would buy for a buck at a record fair, hearkening back to the perfection of 1973 private pressings.

Patrick St. Michel: Sometimes it isn’t a problem to be in no rush to get anywhere, as long as the trip sounds this good.

Katherine St Asaph: Sadsack turns to astrology to understand the mysterious affliction known as “getting dumped,” then to muffled synthpop as dumpees do. All things considered, it could have been a lot worse.

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