Friday, December 31st, 2010

AMNESTY WEEK 2K10: The Bug – Skeng (Autechre Remix)

And now – BEARDS!…


Martin Skidmore: This is a strange one: dubby dancehally vocals over some sort of broken experimental techno, that aspect possibly down to good old Autechre (I hadn’t known they were still going). It’s kind of an uncomfortable listen, disturbing even, jagged and uneasy, and I like it a lot.

Michaelangelo Matos: I never would have believed who this remix was by if I hadn’t already known. Having never listened to Autechre much at all, I wasn’t prepared for so much coiled menace in so few bytes, so much information conveyed with so little information. Because it’s so bare, it is tempting to play it very fucking loudly. I haven’t suffered a concussion yet. Give it a year.

Anthony Easton: Percussive science fiction, isolating, and like hearing something in the hold of a ship that you have no idea where it is nor where it is going — genuinely frightening.

Chuck Eddy: Musique Conrete dub noise, in the tradition of countless mid ’80s Adrian Sherwood productions or late ’90s releases on Broklyn Beats Records, both of which I supported somewhat vocally in their respective days — something I suspect Kevin Martin and I have in common. Definitely also enjoyed an early Bug CD or two in the background for a week or two once upon a time, before I got rid of them; Curse of the Golden Vampire, too. And pretty sure I still have something by Techno Animal around here somewhere. So this sounds fine to me — oddly reassuring and nostalgic, even. Just not quite sure how it might be distinctive. More glitch, less metal, maybe? Not that I really believe that. And anyway, the effect’s the same.

Alex Macpherson: Desiccated take on an incredible original; doom without drama proves merely dull.

David Katz: Autechre surgically extract the skanking funk of the original, replacing it with bones of steel. Terminator-chic doesn’t become you, Killa P & Flowdan.

Jonathan Bogart: Okay, I assume that (almost) everything I love about this is Autechre, but it makes me want to start diving around in dancehall just in case there’s anything else at all like this out there.

One Response to “AMNESTY WEEK 2K10: The Bug – Skeng (Autechre Remix)”

  1. when you compare this to Cannibal, it’s interesting how this is GENUINELY menacing and cannibal is exhaustingly timid