Daisy Dares You ft. Chipmunk – Number One Enemy
Essex teen becomes the first to test Shipley’s First Hypothesis…

Anthony Easton: Really fucking annoying voice, innit?
Alfred Soto: As winsome as an Auto-tuned Harriet Wheeler stooping to swoon in front of power chords.
Alex Macpherson: Is this for real? This girl is seriously Autotuned to be out of tune? It’s hard to decide which component of “Number One Enemy” is least worthwhile; but between the gross, cheap-sounding, ear-aching treble of the production, Chipmunk’s awkwardly shoehorned rap and Daisy herself, all strained, unconvincing attitude and little real character, it’s pretty much a race to the bottom.
Jessica Popper: Daisy Coburn is an Essex teenager who everyone was scrambling to sign in early 2009. After a year of preparation, she’s about to finally release a single, and since a) it is brilliant and b) it has Chipmunk on it, it’s bound to be a massive hit. Daisy could be this year’s Pixie Lott, but a more real, identifiable version, who I think could be extremely popular with teenage pop fans. I hope so, anyway, cos some of her songs are very ace indeed.
Martin Skidmore: She delivers it with confident force, and I guess Chipmunk is the right guest for this debut, though he offers little. The shouty chorus is catchy, and there are good moments in the verses too — I like the pace she can deliver at, for instance. I think she could be very big.
Iain Mew: An unholy concoction of sub-“Year 3000” electrorock, point-missing Allenisms, misplaced attitude and Autotune. Remarkably, Chipmunk shows up, does little more than flick through his collection of laughs and vocal tics, and is still comfortably the least annoying person on the record.
Doug Robertson: Chipmunk’s contribution does neither of them any favours, but it’s good to have it included just so that there is at least some sort of flaw in the Daisy Dares You machine, no matter how vague it might be. This is supremely sassy and confident, blissfully unaware that no-one should hit the scene this fully formed and with the tunes to back up the hype that’s washed over her like a particularly enthusiastic shower.
Tom Ewing: The Seven Ages Of Man As Expressed In Reactions To Daisy Dares You: 1. Fear 2. Fancying 3. Mockery 4. Righteous Anger 5. Youtubing Transvision Vamp Videos 6. Paranoid Monitoring Of Offspring 7. Writing To Have Your Say
David Moore: Mildly autotuned UK teenrock, could have been on The Princess Diaries soundtrack or something — at one time the singer’s own rap would be artlessly shoehorned in before the final chorus (cf. Lindsay Lohan’s “That Girl”) but Chipmunk selflessly shamelessly offers his services here instead. Did Emma Roberts recently finish a Nancy Drew movie in London, or did this just happen?
Edward Okulicz: Punk-pop pastiches that thrill the kids while enraging boring adults is like the best genre of music ever! But even great genres have terrible examples, and this one’s heretofore unknown Achilles heel is for it to be both shrill and tinny at the same time.
Michaelangelo Matos: Avril always sounded too fucking real for my blood anyway. Not to mention not Irish enough. And Chipmunk! “All that she keeps on telling me/Is that she’s not your enemy.” Me, too!
Alex Ostroff: “Number One Enemy” is an Frankenstein’s monster of a pop track. It splits the difference between late 00s Veronicas-style electro on the verses and early 00s guitar girls on the chorus. The way Daisy squeals out “STOP!” and stretches out “enemy” especially reminds me of vintage Avril vocal affectations — never a bad thing. Chipmunk’s half-sung bridge tosses some latter-day Lil’ Wayne in the mix for good measure. It’s catchy enough, but I can’t help but feel like I’ve heard this all before.
Anthony Miccio: Death by autotune.
When I first heard it, I thought the first word of the chorus was “SHU’ UP” which is obviously much better than “STOP”. Well, snottier at least. You know, it’s OK, just nowhere near as spiky as you’d expect.
Man, what a difference a day makes. By the time this was published I was convinced I should’ve given this a [6], now I’m sure of it.
*considering I should’ve…now I’m sure.
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