Thursday, July 21st, 2022

Drake – Falling Back

And staying low…


Wayne Weizhen Zhang: Failing up. 

Katherine St Asaph: Drake tries to recapture the deep-house moods of “Too Good” through More Life. Unsurprisingly for both 2022 Drake and 2022 in general, he achieves less life — but not that much less.

Thomas Inskeep: Just what we needed: an entire album of Drake singing lazily over largely dull house beats, of which “Falling Back” is a prime example. The only reason I can come up with for his continued massive appeal is the fact that he’s so often the lowest common denominator, and that shit sells.

Scott Mildenhall: The open road that the instrumental lays down offers “Falling Back”‘s performer endless scope to make it humanistically resonant. Alas, the performer is Drake. In going for smooth he gets gawky; in getting gawky he’s still forgettable.

Ian Mathers: Extremely rich of fucking Drake to accuse someone else of “feeling nothing”, especially on this particular mediocrity. Loses a couple points for feeling like half of it is just the same five seconds looped.

Nortey Dowuona: I know some people for some reason are praising the bland hellscape of poorly tuned Drake singing but this song is better than his whole album. There’s better singing by the amazing Samantha Harper, there’s better dancing from Mufasa and Hypeman (and more cool melodies), the drum programming and synths from Riton are better, and even John Reid shows up so you get that DU-DUDUNUDAHDAH synth line you hear once and hear until you die. It’s so much more than this bland, turgid sludge. The frustrating thing about “Falling Back”, tho, is that while the falling-back kick and jostled-around percussion are good, the synths are just too thin and cloudy to carry the melody. When Drake starts singing in his head voice it literally sounds like falling back into the inky blackness you see when you die. Even registering it now so I can keep this much more interesting song in my blurb has me pinned to my seat in complete apathy. And I’m only at the 2:44 minute mark! AND IT STARTED AG—-

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