Monday, September 1st, 2014

Elva Hsiao – Shut Up & Kiss Me

Shut up and don’t drive…


Katherine St Asaph: Not the Peiken/Shanks track that’s ping-ponged from Sweden to Canada to Spain to Germany to the UK to The Netherlands and possibly Asia too, but a track from Taiwan built from a Game Boy Camera siren and robot belches on the right side of annoying and a more melodically sung Circus cut. As usual, I end up wanting more of any one element, but it’s a fun stomp.

Alfred Soto: I love title commands, especially when set to music this protean. But the producers don’t assemble the wheezes and belches from what I assume are video games into results that are more than strange and impressive.

Anthony Easton: The grating, electronic, abstracted scales that begin, and ground the rest of this song, are so obnoxious, but so new — it’s artful, and pop-crafted, and gives me this strange bit of hope that maybe there are new sounds forever. 

Brad Shoup: Balancing on these garish sonics takes more than Elva’s pro forma talk-singing. Neither sung nor performed with any sense of propulsion, “Shut Up & Kiss Me” is bothersome on all levels, although the more I listened to this, the more Elva’s still-callow vocal style became a statement.

Thomas Inskeep: While I don’t quite get the appeal of handheld video game noises in pop songs — maybe it’s an age thing? or just an interest thing? — I’m moderately down with this until the chorus, when it goes into full-blown oontz-oontz EDM-pop mode of the most generic kind. Not bad, just aggressively average, like a Shellback production with an unknown singer, or a Katy Perry single without the personality.

Crystal Leww: “Shut Up & Kiss Me” is one of those anthems about loving whoever you like and how it’s really no one else’s business. That’s a message that could be timeless, even if it stopped being the trendy thing for pop stars to make songs about in 2010. Unfortunately, this sound is something that definitely should be left back in 2010. What a snooze for one of Taiwan’s divas.

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