Friday, February 12th, 2016

Lukas Graham – 7 Years

So basically, fuck these guys, again.


Alfred Soto: Ed Sheeran, you’ve got Danish admirers, complete with dads giving lousy advise.

Iain Mew: I am grateful that this is more “Happy Home” than “Strip No More,” but it’s like “Happy Home” meets Nizlopi. Giving the smallscale triteness of the sentiment such an overblown treatment is practically cruel.

Katherine St Asaph: If America allows this to happen then “Strip No More” will be next. It helps its dismissal that “7 Years” reprocesses some Five For Fighting glurge so Graham can retell “This Be the Verse” with an unreliable narrator.

Will Adams: Once I was fifteen years old, caught in between ten and twenty, and Five For Fighting’s “100 Years” was the best song to learn how to play on piano to convince my high school crush that I was both talented and sensitive. Now I’m twenty-three years old, and I’m stuck listening to the same lyrical concept, done much worse and without a shred of subtlety on “7 Years.” Soon I’ll be twenty-four years old, slapping my forehead for allowing “Well, it’s not ‘Strip No More'” to count as a point in its favor.

Megan Harrington: There’s an interesting idea in here, playing soul dynamics off modern  lyrics, but it’s not one I’m particularly interested in hearing four  Danes explore. Further, the glimmer dissipates once the conceit  clarifies. Concerns about aging and the meaning of life are as old as  time itself, Lukas Graham have no new tale to tell. This band is a clown  car filled with tasteless gimmicks.

Edward Okulicz: Having proved, in “Strip No More,” that whoever is inflicting this on us doesn’t ‘get’ strip clubs, the next Lukas Graham megahit shows that they don’t get feelings in general.

Thomas Inskeep: The epitome of bathetic, adult contemporary treacle. Destined to be a  huge worldwide hit, and we’ll all be the worse for it. I loathed Jim  Croce, and I loathe this, too.

Brad Shoup: OK I know the similar-title thing is played out but I haven’t reviewed anything so close to the greatest breakup song of all time.  This… is like if Cat Stevens got into hip-hop. It’s got a nice melody  and some thoughtful string backing but that’s how they get you.

Scott Mildenhall: A pithy response might be to suggest that this song is one that thought “Being Boring”‘s title was its advice, but that would be inaccurate. In fact, “7 Years” is hilarious. It wouldn’t be right to ridicule Lukas Graham for the comparable outpouring committed to Hedegaard’s “Happy Home”, but the bulk of the lyrics here hit the egregious midpoint of generic statements, misplaced self-seriousness and a dearth of emotional resonance. On one level of garbled platitudes it seems intended for everyone, and on another it contains the brilliantly po-faced self-aggrandisement of a sample from the band’s name being announced at an award ceremony. Who is it even for? Clearly a lot of people do find something in it, but from here it is very hard to take seriously.

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26 Responses to “Lukas Graham – 7 Years”


  2. Is this the lowest score ever? Or one of the lowest?

  3. we’ve done worse:

  4. i met someone who said this is his favorite song ever, wasn’t sure what to make of it

  5. oh my god fuck this video

  6. the fact that this is quickly becoming a huge hit, is making me worry for the safety of the world.

    at best, these guys will pull a magic! and fade away the moment this song gets pulled from the radio. at worst, they’ll pull a meghan trainor, and become somewhat “”””established”””” acts.

  7. I would be slightly amused, in a twisted, perverse way, if the band responsible for our all-time lowest scoring song won the Best New Artist Grammy.

  8. I’d like to think the Jukebox broke them for English-speaking listeners. As in, completely broken them. But alas.

  9. I would just like to encourage anyone who needs a laugh to read the youtube comments on the music video – lukas graham stans (do they have a fandom name cause if not i would like to call them grahammies) are doing the most defending this trash.

  10. Anyone who really needs a laugh should check out the lyrics on genius, where Lukas Graham HIMSELF has annotated his own words:

  11. graham crackers

  12. I’ve been saying this for the past few weeks on numerous sites after seeing this song climb the charts, but I fear for the world if he re-releases “Strip No More” in a few months and it becomes the song of the Song of The Summer.

  13. this is a top 10 hit

  14. And UK number one for four weeks and counting

  15. and over 200 million streams on Spotify

  16. apparently, he lived in my country (argentina) for like 6 months or something


  17. Five weeks now, and I’m expecting a sixth, unless Posner and his plane to Ibiza can do anything about it.

  18. open question: is this worse than charlie puth

  19. I’ll let Megan answer this

  20. Bob Lefsetz liked it. make of that what you will.

  21. this or Trainor’s gonna top the Hot 100 real soon

  22. what a time to be alive

  23. and strip no more just got a US lyric video which means it’ll be inflicted upon us soon! yay!

  24. that reminds me, our pop station was introducing “Seven Years” but took care to mention that they write songs about all kinds of stuff “like… uh, strippers”. i thought he was being a jag but now i think it’s groundwork. anyway, looking forward to the new version with Meghan Trainor

  25. @ Brad:

    Most of their fans are crackers, so it’s a perfect name for them.

  26. Update: I’ve been 24 for about three months now and every day I regret not giving this a [0]