Meek Mill ft Jeremih & PNB Rock – Dangerous
Meek just heard how we scored his song…

Crystal Leww: Do y’all remember “All Eyes on You“? I guess “Dangerous” is the sequel, except that Jeremih has been swapped in for Chris Brown and PNB Rock is playing a kind of a Future-like role. “All Eyes on You” played for months on Dallas rap radio, and I never got past how much of a plod it was. “Dangerous” has a similar effect on first listen, but it’s oddly sweet and light. PNB Rock sings about how his girl deserves a Birkin! I’m sold. It’s too cold to roll down the windows now, but you bet your ass that this is still that vibe.
Tim de Reuse: Here and there, it’s convincingly romantic: floaty and light, with sonic subtleties on the outskirts of the mix and Jeremih’s enunciation stretching out the lyrics across delicious microtimings. Outside of those isolated moments, though, Meek Mill’s attempts at charming levity directly contradict every aspect that actually comes across as sincere.
Julian Axelrod: Meek is clearly out of his comfort zone, so he deploys the same strategy most rappers use in their quest for R&B radio crossover success: hire one or two singers too many and parcel out verses among them. Jeremih can knock out this kind of silky hook in his sleep, while PNB Rock sounds like he actually did record this in his sleep. It’s a shame they eat up so much of the track, because Meek acquits himself fairly well in a softer context. It’s kind of sweet how he conveys intimacy by turning down his yell two decibels, and that angel dust line hits the perfect balance between dumb and genius. This song feels like vanilla sex. It goes through the motions, getting the job done without much passion from anyone involved.
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: The beat is too energetic for PNB Rock, too sedate for Meek, and a perfect fit for Jeremih, so of course he gets the smallest portion of a song already too light-weight to accommodate this number of performers.
John Seroff: “Dangerous” sounds like a leftover beat from Hitmaka’s superior (and just released) MihTy album, an assessment Ty Dolla appears to have basically confirmed via Zane Lowe earlier this year. Proof that it’s a thin line between a quiet storm and no storm at all.
Thomas Inskeep: Oh boy. After the high of his post-prison “Stay Woke,” Meek Mill quickly falls back to earth on a would-be sex jam which is neither sexy nor a jam. “I know those bitches hatin’ on you we gon’ kill them,” really? Jeremih and PNB Rock, meanwhile, do nothing that couldn’t be done better by someone else. Trash with a capital “T.”
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