Old Dominion – I Was on a Boat That Day
Their highest score yet — his strumming’s grown…

John Pinto: Listen listen listen listen listen: I know. Even on a good day (warm, wind at 5 to 12 knots, etc.) this song is at best a [5]. But then one must consider the counterpoints, such as: the fact that Old Dominion’s weaponization of quasi-maritime law to shirk basic responsibility with a shit-eating grin and a shrug would be infuriating in real life but is hilarious in a song; the fact that Matthew Ramsey sings “I was on a boat that day” like it’s an airtight alibi for any crime; the fact that I happen to be partial to goofy seafaring bullshit; and finally, the fact that I first heard this song on a southwest Virginia highway en route to the Smokies with my girlfriend, a love-at-first-sight trap which biases me tremendously. The accordion should make me angry but somehow does not.
John S. Quinn-Puerta: I think more songs need zydeco accordions to really emphasize the lack of meaningful connection inherent in hedonism. It brings a jauntiness to the broken-off affair that otherwise comes off as incredibly callous.
Thomas Inskeep: OD seem affable enough, and this made-for-summer country record has a pleasant-enough, lightly Cajun feel to it, but lyrically it is kinda gross, a tale of a breakup that its narrator knows nearly nothing about because he was “on a boat” and, predictably, completely blotto. And said narrator sounds proud of that fact. I appreciate that this isn’t the usual-for-now pop country, but am no fan of its “I was so wasted, isn’t that great?!” content, which is enough to tip this under .500.
Edward Okulicz: Almost makes the idea of being on a boat sound enticing, and if it had pulled that off, I’d have had no choice but to give it a [10] because boats are terrible, and being drunk on one is murder on everyone around you. And it comes tantalisingly close. A break-up song with the actual break-up shunted into the corner as Old Dominion beam huge tipsy smiles at you from their happy place, this is a near-perfect singalong. The accordion gives it a lovely jangle-folk feel and its three minutes go by so quickly I can’t stop repeating it.
Alfred Soto: What a splendid title! The accordion and aggressive acoustic jangle recall Los Lobos but only slightly — too complicated for these yo-yos. But this is the kind of friendly I can respond to.
Juana Giaimo: I like how Old Dominion fully gives into the goofiness of the song. I think that could have been a good starting point, but then it turns annoying — the vocals in the second part of the chorus could have worked as a bridge that only happens once rather than every time — and tiring. This would benefit from a pause in the hard strumming of the acoustic guitar.
Al Varela: I didn’t expect Old Dominion to essentially replace the Zac Brown Band for everyone’s go-to beach act, but it’s a career trajectory I don’t mind! “I Was on a Boat That Day” has a carefree jauntiness to its fluttery instrumentation that makes it incredibly easy to like, especially with the surprise accordion that makes up a lot of the melody. Not to mention frontman Matthew Ramsey sounds like he’s having the time of his life! His energy and jovial voice alone make the song worth adding to your summer playlist!
old dominion guy and cross eyed bear outfit boat passenger are couple goals
Okay I hate this song and am shocked the average is this high, but as someone who has been happily drunk on a variety of boats, I just want to know who hurt Ed.
My notes on the video just read “…like some kind of human Paul Rudd…”