Piso 21 ft. Manuel Turizo – Déjala Que Vuelva
That’s .2 points for every Piso, boys.

Stephen Eisermann: The guys of Piso 21 sound great and the song is breezy fun, but this is another example of a song that is made better by its feature. Manuel Turizo has a husky, handsome voice that lends itself to many styles of music, but here especially it anchors the track and gives the track some much needed swag and confidence the the men of Piso 21 lack.
Iain Mew: They’re not trying anything like as hard as last time we covered them, and sounding a lot more on-trend. The results are a little anonymous, but that’s an improvement and a few twinkly instrumental touches keep some identity in.
Alfred Soto: Innocuous yearning that, mask off, is complacent mansplaining.
Ryo Miyauchi: It doesn’t surprise me any more to find this kind of tender, guitar-driven body rock be used as a vehicle to let a gang of dudes just be dudes. They urge it was entirely her, not them, who made it difficult, though they only prove the opposite as they go down their list of reasons without acknowledging a drop of fault. I wish for a response track; their attitude begs for it.
Katherine St Asaph: Acoustic sap is acoustic sap, regardless of source.
Alex Ostroff: Sonically: languid and romantic and kind of pretty. Lyrically: condescending, tedious and kind of sexist. An answer to a question that nobody asked, namely, “Would Justin Bieber’s ‘Love Yourself‘ be less gross in Spanish?”.
Edward Okulicz: It’s a bunch of washed-out boys overshadowed by the beat and swallowed whole by their guest star — Turizo’s big, deep and has real presence, and there’s not enough of him. As far as ticking boxes of what people like, this has it all, other than a unique selling point.
Ashley John: The first minute or so of “Déjala Que Vuelva” wafts sweetly, but after the first chorus, it overstays its welcome. Even with the beautiful color palette of the music video, my eyes keep lingering to the seconds ticking away at the bottom.
Ahh the subhead