Sia – Clap Your Hands
“Taken for Granted” is now ten years old, but with this one’s European success, might she finally be about to get her second UK hit?…

Katherine St Asaph: So I guess she wants to be Tracey Thorn now, circa Out of the Woods. Good thing I’m a fan; even better that the clap-claps in the chorus squirt pure joy into my brain the same way the ones in “Telephone” do.
Chuck Eddy: I have nothing against hand-clapping songs — Shirley Ellis’s would be at least a 9, the Meters’ at least an 8 — but Sia subverts the pattycake and applause potential of hers by cutting its teenybop with weak-kneed and mush-mouthed danceclub r&b delusions. On the other hand, for parts of this, the percussion and the bassline do propel her, more than she deserves.
Michaelangelo Matos: According to AMG, the two bassists on Sia’s album were Sam Dixon and Greg Kurstin. Since Kurstin is also credited with a half-dozen instruments as well as writing, production, mixing, and engineering, I’ll take the leap to say that his b-line is the reason this thing takes off: gliding and very Chic, energizing everything it comes into contact with. The guitar and synths are choppier, but they move, too.
Hazel Robinson: I’m pretty sure it’s not the lyric but the only way I could like this Roxy-style piece of disco-melancholy more would be if it was actually shag me out of my misery.
Anthony Easton: Maybe it’s the video, but I keep thinking about this work as amateurish, in that “let’s get our friends together and put on a show” kind of way. Fond of the track, but I wasn’t on the first few listens. May be too hip for its own good.
Iain Mew: For a song which attempts to inspire enthusiasm to grab the moment, this is rather lacking in any feeling of urgency. There’s somehting approaching half a groove buried somewhere, but Sia’s nasal voice gets everywhere and turns the song into even more of a featureless mush than it already was, with only the occasional splashes of colour getting through.
Martin Skidmore: I know she’s been around for ages singing with Zero 7, William Orbit and others, but I’m not especially taken with her voice. I quite like the upper register, but most of it sounds a bit choked and flattened. This electro number bounces along nicely enough, and is reasonably catchy in the chorus, but it doesn’t do a great deal for me.