Monday, August 9th, 2010

Swedish House Mafia ft. Pharrell – One

And here’s a table with some stuff on it. I think someone takes some drugs at some point, or something…


Jonathan Bogart: Wasn’t Pharrell at least partially responsible for some good music, once upon a time?

Martin Skidmore: Pounding electro-house, with an almost unrecogniseable Pharrell — Melodyned rather than autotuned, it seems, after he recorded this vocal for a different track. It’s very brief and pretty to the point, so its success will depend whether you click with the thumping synth chords or not. I really like them, but it is rather basic and the vocal still sounds a slightly uncomfortable fit.

Alfred Soto: If Pharrell is Auto-tuned beyond recognition, serves him right — the guy always sang like a dentist’s drill anyway. But this track doesn’t even rise to the level of Eurohouse cheese; it just sits there.

Anthony Easton: I can never tell if these things are self parody, but there’s a ruthless efficiency to the track that matches the gaggy name of the band.

Iain Mew: There’s not a whole lot to “One”, but the stabbing synths are enjoyable and it’s filled with a confidence that makes its biggest moments fantastically triumphant sounding. Plus, explosion sounds!

Mallory O’Donnell: Pharrell will have a lot to answer for when he eventually finagles his way into rock & roll heaven, but while this might rate, it’s hardly his worst offense. And with a vocal this lackadaisical, I’m guessing their coke wasn’t any good either.

Chuck Eddy: I gather the words are supposed to be disturbing or something? Sounds like detached horseshit, either way. Sometimes I really hate dance music.

Katherine St Asaph: I’d dance to this in a club, sure. But good luck remembering it after the next song gears up.

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