Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

Gorilla Zoe ft. Lil Jon – Twisted



Jonathan Bogart: A Lil Jon song you can’t even stomp around like a fool to. What’s the point?

Alfred Soto: Lil Jon basically invented this shit. Now he’s gotta live with his boring protégés.

Ian Mathers: You know what, I still like “Echo” even if it is kind of a nasty song (and a silly AutoTune showcase). Hell, in comparison “Twisted” makes it look positively Shakespearean. I have no problem with a good party song, but Lil’ Jon finally appears way past his sell-by date, and there’s not a single second that doesn’t feel joyless and forced.

Al Shipley: Lil Jon’s spent so much time lately hanging out with fratty pop rap acts like 3OH!3 and LMFAO that it’s kind of refreshing just to hear him on a relatively straightforward southern rap banger with an ATL rapper. But this wouldn’t have been at all memorable in the context of his original hit parade circa 2004.

Josh Langhoff: “Girl, your ass is memorable” — it could be triangular, horribly scarred, festering with boils, hypercolor, capable of speech… or, since Gorilla Zoe tells Girl she could be a centerfold, he probably just fancies himself a super-discerning ass connoisseur. So the ass compliment is really about him. And that, aside from some not-especially-distinguished Lil’ Jon barking, is the ONLY memorable part of this song.

Martin Skidmore: The lame autotuned singing on the hook is unfortunate, but otherwise this is a pretty good club hip hop number, with nicely gruff rapping, which I wish Zoe would stick with, and Jon is as entertainingly shouty as usual. The music rather finds its beat in the first seconds and then just stays with it – needed a bit of build and climax, but it’s okay.

Jer Fairall: Reminds me of several things that I don’t particularly miss about 2004.

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